Friday, November 5, 2010

Games night…

November has been a great month, we arranged a games night at a friend’s house. We played this one game called Partini, which is super fun! It was girls versus guys (till a few more arrived then we added a guy to our side) the game is a mix up of a bunch of different games, so it’s luck of the draw what games you play every round. There is a horrible one called “Hum Punch” where you have to hum songs to your group and they have to guess them. Then there is a confusing one called “What Not” where you have to describe 5 things on your card without saying the word. (So you use things that are opposite and seem really logical to you, then you realize not everybody looks after kids and ‘gets’ you.) There is a coordinately challenging game called “Bouncers” where you have to catch a ball in a cup or throw it to your partner’s cup and so forth (surprisingly I did not totally suck at this game). The easiest games were “Mime Twist” (where you act out your card) and “Clay Smoothie” where you mold the objects on your card. So after much giggles and funny moments (Dan trying to mold toilet paper and like me having to act out “stripper”) it was decided the girls (and Dan) were victorious! I mean with all those X chromosomes…what did you expect? 

The winning team!

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