Sunday, June 30, 2013

Where is she?!

So I woke up on day two of my mom’s visit, excited to see her and … couldn’t find her. She had decided to go for a walk and see the neighbourhood. She apparently found bunnies and plants, so she was happy. Thankfully she isn’t directionally challenged like me; otherwise she may not have found our apartment easily.

Our Apartment Building
 I took my mom to go to Growing Power which is a non-profit organization that grows food. So of course my mom was in her element! If you want to see their website look at

Growing Power

Mommy and Me

Awesome goat!

We ended the day off with a boat tour of Lake Michigan, which is always fun. I love the Lake, it is cold and I wouldn’t swim in it (again) however it is so huge that it reminds me of a calm sea or ocean. We managed to take some lovely pictures and create some great memories.

Lake Michigan

Sculpture at Lake Michigan

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mommy comes to visit the US of A

So my mom decided to come visit me in the USA which was one of the most amazing things ever. It pretty hard to try and explain America to people that have never been here before. There are certain things that just get lost in translation. Plus there is just a certain element of understanding once someone ‘has been, there, done that.’ 
After Tyler came to SA it was so much easier for him to relate to me and my world. So I was excited my mom would get to see my now world.
Tyler and I drove to Chicago to pick her up and it felt so surreal. Like my mom is coming, here, to see me, to stay for 10 days!!! I felt like a kid on Christmas, pretty sure I told Tyler like 100 times that ‘my mommy is coming!’
I insisted we get to the airport early, just in case. But as always the flight arrived about an hour after we had been patiently waiting for it. I saw my mom and immediately felt like a kid being picked up from their first day of school.
Suddenly there were running ladies, running tears and well, Tyler. He didn't cry. We did.

After we loaded luggage and heard stories of my mom’s travels we headed back to Milwaukee. Day one completed.

Ahhhhh, MOMMY!

One of my happiest moment ever