Thursday, April 26, 2012

Let’s talk about kids…

I have this feeling that I look after the smartest cutest kids ever. I have compiled a couple of ‘gems’ straight from the mouths of babes…

This is from the boys 3rd birthday

A while ago AJ was playing in her play tent and tunnel. She asked me to join her as I was about to enter the side door she informed me I had to climb through the tunnel. Oh gosh…it’s tiny! But I tried anyway, about half way through I let out a huge sigh.
AJ then looked at me and she “Robyn, you know what Arial does when she too f…um big to go through a tunnel…she just squeezes in.” (Yes, a 5 year old almost called me fat…LOL)

AJ looking cute

I was sitting outside with Finn, when I told him I had sand in my shoes. He said, “Well it’s okay Rara cos I have sand in my pants…in my butt.” I couldn’t stop laughing!

Crazy, cute kid!

Finn also told me excitedly that he and Braden are getting big boy beds soon. I told him I already have a big girl bed, he responded “No, only Braden and me have big beds, you have a giant one!”

Big smiles

Yet another Finn quip, I put my shoes on to go outside (ballet slippers or pumps) and he looked at them and said “oh those are cute shoes Rara” then looked at my top (an off the shoulder one) and said “you shirt is falling off” and proceeded to try (without much luck) to balance the front of my shirt on my shoulder.

Sibling love

Braden on the other hand saw the jeans I was wearing the other day (hippie inspired flower power pants) and told me “I like you flowers Rara. I don’t have pants like that. I want flower pants too.” Can you imagine?

Superhero? I think so!

As we were going outside on Monday Braden looked for the sun (which was on the other side of the house and exclaimed “Rara, why won’t the sun play with me? See, he’s hiding away now?” Aw…

Braden told me the other day (after listening to Diego's Animal Jamboree cd) that my middle name must be Robyn. I was confused as to why he thought that, then he said, "cos your name is Rocking Robyn" ( the song!) Haha. I told that, that wasn't my name and he said "No, but that's you NIXname."

On his birthday (I brought them superhero capes)

And my personal favourite which I know my family will really enjoy…

Well I suppose I should give the back story to it. (Correct me if I’m wrong family)
My aunt Samantha was often asked, as little kids are, “How much do you love me?” The biggest number she knew was 5, so love in my family is now measured by 5. (This is probably a good time to tell you all that I love you 5, by the way)

So I always tell the boys I love them, and they (usually) respond that they love me too. When I ask them how much we occasionally have confusion. They tell me that I love them 5 (since I always say that) but they love me two (since there response of I love you too is now two) But the other day while I was driving Braden piped up “Rara, you know I love you so much, I love you capital 5.” Oh my, how cute is that?! Seriously!

Cute!!! Boys!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Hey guys :)

Please let me know what you think of the new blog layout. I was trying something new.

Hope you are all well

Bokkie :)