Sunday, May 30, 2010

Jumping from a perfectly good airplane…

Most amazing experience this year so far...SKY - FREAKEN - DIVING!!!
Yip as Lelia (my SA counsellor) told us when we decided to join the au pair program, I took the plunge!

My partner in crime...Tamarski
The story begins and ends with 4 crazy girls deciding to jump out of an airplane at 13500ft...random instructor and parachute attached! I can't even begin to explain the feeling...but I'll try.

After our jump...we ALL survived!

So there you are at the door of the plane and you think wait and am actually going to do this? Yes, I think I am. Then you just jump and you feel the weirdest sensation as you know you are falling but as you are 'passing' nothing on your way down, and it's not a normal falling feeling as the pressure pushing up on you is pretty intense! When the parachute is pulled you lift up before you start coming down again, and when you do you feel like you are in the most surreal dream, I kinda felt like Alice in Wonderland. I could see my feet beneath me, and I could see the cars and roads and with the size comparison it was like everything was from mini town. It's a pretty trippy feeling! While we were in the canopy stage the instructor allowed me to "control" the direction of the parachute, so we did left and right circles which was really fun!

Yip, that's me :)

Also they let me fly the plane! Hey wait, was that the reason everyone decided to jump...?I got to sit in the passenger seat  and once we had taken off and were at a reasonable height the pilot let go of the control, and asked if I was going to fly the plane or not? I have to admit I felt a little bad for the people in the plane as I was wearing the headphones with the microphone attached, and I’m pretty sure my hysterical squeaks were anything but fun to listen to! Flying the plane was really fun, but also a little scary as I kept worrying I would hit into something, crazy I know since there isn’t much stuff just floating around in the sky…

Are we seriously doing this?

After surviving and being on an adrenaline high we brought dinner and headed over to my house to watch our videos and relive our special moment! Ah, what fun!

We made it :)

At the moment I am at the gym waiting for my Yoga class to start, Zumba has just finished and I am feeling energized and ready to conquer the world! Hope you all have a super fantastic week! To my family (both or should I say ALL sides) I love and miss you all, I think about you all often and pray that things improve. To my country, YOU ROCK! I am so so so proud to be a Safa! Xxx

Representing my country

PS: I recently attended an American wedding, which was super fun…plus only knowing like 4 people in a wedding of 300 means you can dance the funky chicken and honestly not be embarrassed….cos no one knows you! What fun! 

Tamara and I at the wedding

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wow, one amazing year…with one amazing family…

My second year (yip can you believe it?) in Wisconsin just started and to celebrate my host parents decided to plan a little BBQ (aka a braai) for me...I invited all my friends (which ended up being a group almost bigger than the dining room table) and of course the rain decided to join us so we all stayed inside. 

My host family and I

Well all except for Dave who insisted on grilling and pulled the grill right outside the backdoor and hopped in and out of the house turning burgers and hotdogs. I think he was in his element! It was a successful party and so we ended the evening by going out and dancing (after we helped clean up...don't worry mom...the slave job has continued!) I continue to become a domestic goddess! 

Little AJ hugs :)

Well maybe not really, but I do make my own bed, do my washing and clean my room...wait I'm kinda of like a teenager all over again. Which is pretty funny as one of the cleaning ladies remarked that I am pretty clean for a teenager (which I am not sure is meant to be a compliment or not?) which shocked Amanda how was worried that they would think she was the mother to a teenager or worse the grandmother to the boys...

All the girls out and about...