Thursday, March 5, 2009

Small steps to a big adventure...

Finally my new drivers’ license has arrived - Yah! That’s how you know you are getting old by the way, when things you had issued as a teenager expire and you are forced to face the (sad?) reality that you are now in fact an adult, even if you chose to not act that way. I am waiting for my criminal record check to come back, it’s taking so long I’m a little worried that maybe just maybe there is something in my past that I have repressed and they have found it - Oops! (Okay, for those of you that knows about the stop sign…DON’T JUDGE ME! For those of you that don’t know what I’m on about…it’s better that way!)

(Borrowed image)

I am managing the salon at present while Lucy is on leave, so I’m the “acting” manager…it’s quiet fun, but considering I am managing a staff of one being me…there is no one to even boss around! No fun.
I will be in Durban from either the 27th or 28th of May because I have my pre-departure orientation in Durban. Then I’ll stay there till the 30th and I will fly from Durbs to JHB. Annelize my mate that used to stay down here that moved up to JHB has happily offered to allow me to spend the night with her…ha ha I think she has an evil plan to show me JHB by night!!! I’m scared! (If I don’t get on the plane come looking for me – please!)

Annelize and I
I have some more good news, get ready to be proud…I am officially a voter! Yes, I have a big black mark on my left finger nail. I have heard many repeat and new voters complain about the “ugly” mark on your nail, to me that mark is a sign that empowers me each time a look at it. It reminds me that I care enough about my country and the future of my country to stand in a queue (okay, it was only a 5 min Q in Margate plus we got free Wimpy coffee) and be counted! It reminds me that *certain political parties* do not have a 2/3 majority, and I now have a right to have my say about going-ons in my country! I’m quiet attached to spot now…it will be sad when she finely fades. Now all of you that didn’t vote, don’t you wish you had??? (uhm…Rayson, pretty sure mom has been nagging, I mean suggesting you vote for a while now!)Right so I’m finished naming and shaming  (sorry bro, gotta make an example out of someone, you the nostril today…always being picked on!)

A thumb (not mine) with the voters stamp in their ID book (google image)
While writing I must let you know I am coughing, sneezing and blowing my nose. My body has decided to take a sick day, which means my voice has gone on holiday, my nose has spend the better half of the day wrapped up in a tissue and my nose is now a closer shade to Rudolf red that alabaster, not cool! But never underestimate the power of Sinucon, Vitamin C, Multivitamin and varies other make-you-feel-better-remedies!!!

I thought this may be more inspiring than a picture of me looking sick :)
*Hi-lighted words are explained in the glossary page