Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My newest adventure ...

So I have decided to pursue a long time dream of mine of travelling to a foreign country to look after somebody else’s children. This may seem like a strange dream to have, but I can remember as a child my mom would have young girls coming and working at Paddington’s (her pre-school) to earn their hours so they could apply to au pair in America…since then I had thought that it would be such an amazing adventure to partake in. Finally it’s time for mine…

My first USA flag drawing
The good news is that I have chosen a family…They are both pediatric cardiologists (I know it’s a mouth full right?) They seem super nice and fun! They live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in a really beautiful (looking) town called Whitefish Bay. Dave and Amanda have a girl who is 2 and a half and twins, (how were born on the 25th of March) that are now a month old. They are the cutest looking kids ever!

Finn and Braden
So what do the next few weeks hold me? I am still working at the salon (Sensasia Day Spa) and really having fun. I will really miss this place when I leave! It’s so great with for (or as Lucy always says with) someone you not only respect as a boss but really have a good time with as a friend. I will always remember yellow shirts and chocolate milk days J

Lucy and I at a friends birthday party